Tom D’Amore was selected as one of the Top 50 Lawyers in Oregon by Super
Lawyers for the past five years and a Super Lawyer for over a decade. This is a list of
outstanding attorneys recognized by peers for professional achievement. Super
Lawyers is a respected lawyer rating service intended to be used as a resource for
attorneys and consumers searching for legal counsel.
Super Lawyers selects attorneys using a rigorous, multiphase rating process. Peer
nominations and evaluations are combined with third party research. Each candidate is
evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement. Selections
are made on an annual, state-by-state basis.
Super Lawyers does not permit a lawyer to buy one’s way onto the list, nor is there any
requirement for the purchase of any product for inclusion in the lists or any quid pro quo
of any kind or nature associated with the evaluation and listing of an attorney or in the
subsequent advertising of one’s inclusion in the lists.