Oregon, Washington and California all achieved rates of 90 percent or higher on a seat belt use probability-based observational survey carried out using criteria set by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
The surveys were used in all 50 states and they showed that in states with higher penalties and stronger laws on seat belt use the rates of seat belt use were higher than those with weaker laws. Throughout the country the seat belt use rate was 83 percent in 2008.
Oregon had a rate increase of 1.0% from 2007 with 96.3% seat belt use and in Washington there was a 0.1% increase with a 2008 use rate of 96.5%. California is not far behind with a 1.1% increase over 2007 with a 95.7% use rate. For more information about seat belt use in 2008 visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website here. The automobile accident attorneys at D’Amore & Associates would like to remind you to help keep the seat belt use rates high by buckling up!