The House Consumer Protection Committee of the Oregon Legislature, chaired by Rep. Paul Holvey (D-Eugene), announced that it has held its first public hearings today on HB 2367 and HB 2792. HB 2367 would ban the chemical Bisphenol-A (BPA) in products intended for use by children, while HB 2792 would give the Department of Human Services the authority to identify chemicals of high concern that pose significant risks to the health of children or developing fetuses.
Representatives from across Oregon’s public health and environmental community testified on the inadequacy of current safety regulations to protect children from dangerous chemicals linked to harmful health and developmental disorders in children.
The legislature indicated that banning the sale of dangerous toys and children’s products is part of the Oregon House Democrats’ 2009 Roadmap for Oregon’s Future. A bill banning the sale of toy-like lighters, HB 2365, has already been passed into law.
We encourage our Oregon readers to contact their state legislator to share your input on these issues.