Oregon has proclaimed December “3D Month” in recognition of National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month.
Last December, one-third of the fatal car accidents in Oregon involved an impaired driver.
“Drunk driving has traditionally received most of the attention but we’re seeing more and more instances of impaired driving caused by illegal drugs as well as prescription and over the counter medications.”
– Dan Estes, Oregon Department of Transportation
Drugs can result in delayed reaction and information processing, especially when combined with alcohol.
Signs of a drugged or drunk driver:
- Erratic braking or stopping
- Drifting in and out of traffic lanes
- Slow response to traffic signals
- Swerving
- Driving more than 10 mph below the speed limit
During this holiday season, the Oregon State Police are holding DUII checkpoints and will increase patrols, with the goal of reducing drunk driving and making our roads safer.
You can help: report potentially impaired drivers at 800-24DRUNK (800-243-7865).
Do you know what happens if you are hurt by a drugged or drunk driver?
Oregon attorney Tom D’Amore recently talked to a financial reporter about uninsured motorists and the costs of drunk driving; see full article on National 3D Prevention Month.