The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has published a new report that pushes for legisaltion that would ban children under the age of 18 from using tanning beds. The group joins a growing list of health organizations that are seeking tougher restrictions.
Health studies continue to show that tanning beds significantly increase the risk of skin cancer. They emit more than ten times the ultraviolet radiation, a proven human carcinogen, than natural sunlight.
A recent survey revealed 24 percent of teens had used a tanning bed at least once, according to the AAP report. The American Cancer Institute says the rate of indoor tanning among minors has stayed relatively constant in recent years, despite efforts to curb tanning bed use at the state level, such as requiring parent permission.
The Skin Cancer Foundation reports 30 million Americans use tanning beds every year. The indoor tanning industry has estimated annual revenues of $5 billion.
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