An Ashland, Oregon nursing home has reported a suspected outbreak of norovirus among staff and residents. Linda Vista in Jackson County has notified the Oregon Department of Health, but is downplaying the incident, according to Ashland Daily Tidings.
Clatsop County’s Public Health Department is also investigating claims of norovirus in local elder care facilities.
Norovirus inflames the lining of the stomach and intestines, causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. The highly contagious virus can be transmitted by an infected person, object or food, and may pose more of a threat to the elderly because of the risk of dehydration.
Recently, nearly 300 people were sickened by norovirus at a cheerleading event in Everett, Washington. Last year, an outbreak of norovirus in Washington was traced to a shipment of oysters.
Learn more about norovirus from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.