The Pound Civil Justice Institute is a national legal think tank created by pioneering members of the trial bar and dedicated to ensuring access to justice for ordinary citizens. Through its activities, the Pound Institute works to give lawyers, judges, legal educators and the public a balanced view of the issues affecting the U.S. civil justice system. Trial attorneys created the institute in 1956 to honor the life and work of Roscoe Pound, one of America’s great legal scholars and educators.
Its programs provide opportunities for open dialogue among judges, legal academics, policy-makers and attorneys on issues important to the civil justice system. Resulting research is published and distributed widely to the legal community and the public. Their members – called Fellows – advance the work of the Institute by participating in and supporting Pound’s programs, injury attorney, Tom D’Amore has been a Pound fellow for over a decade.
Visit Pound Civil Justice Institute page to learn more
“The law must be stable, but not stand still.”
-Roscoe Pound