After two tragic crane accidents in New York City, the New York City Buildings Department recently announced it will propose a series of new crane safety regulations within the next few weeks.
The department is studying various models of crane regulation and conferring with safety experts including those at the federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration to develop the proposals.
California is widely believed to have the toughest crane regulations in the country, including a requirement that all tower cranes undergo an annual complete mechanic inspection by an independent firm.
Construction site accidents and injuries sustained on the job injure or kill thousands of Americans every year. Many terrible personal injuries are caused by poor safety procedures, negligence, faulty equipment, poor supervision – and most could have been prevented. Often times injury or death occur because a negligent company is more interested in profit than safety.
If you or a loved one has been injured at a construction site in Oregon or Washington by a crane collapse or other negligent act, contact the Oregon and Washington construction accident lawyers at D’Amore & Associates for a free consultation.